Project TitleThe Dispatcher Game
Purpose of the StudyWe aim to build a taxi dispatcher system that tries to assign cabs to customers. Such assignments between a cab and a customer depend on multiple factors e.g., customer's waiting time, cab's waiting time and the distance between the customer and the cab. This survey intends to understand how people perceive which customer should be assigned to a cab keeping in mind the above factors.
ProceduresThe participants are required to match cabs to the passengers in different scenarios. We anticipate that this will take less than 15 minutes.
Potential Risks and
There are no risks above those normally encountered on the internet anticipated from participating in this study.
Potential BenefitsWe hope that other people / researchers might benefit from this study through improved understanding of the different trade-offs in two-sided settings such as ride-hailing.
ConfidentialityOnce we are done with this project, we will anonymize all data for permanent storage and archival, and will delete any non-anonymized data within 12 months. If we write a report or article about this research project, your identity will be protected to the maximum extent possible.
CompensationYou will be compensated pursuant with your agreement with (Amazon Mechanical Turk / Prolific) for your participation. You will be responsible for any taxes assessed on the compensation.
ContactYour participation in this research is completely voluntary. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback related to the survey please contact :

Gaurav Jain Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

Abhisek Dash Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany